Results for 'David Robb Hampton'

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  1.  15
    India and South Asia: A Short HistoryA History of India.Donald R. Davis, David Ludden & Peter Robb - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (4):915.
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    Nursing ethics: for hosital and private use.Isabel Hampton Robb - 1903 - Cleveland,: J.B. Savage.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  3. Qualitative Unity and the Bundle Theory.David Robb - 2005 - The Monist 88 (4):466-92.
    This paper is an articulation and defense of a trope-bundle theory of material objects. After some background remarks about objects and tropes, I start the main defense in Section III by answering a charge frequently made against the bundle theory, namely that it commits a conceptual error by saying that properties are parts of objects. I argue that there’s a general and intuitive sense of “part” in which properties are in fact parts of objects. This leads to the question of (...)
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  4. Power for the Mental as Such.David Robb - 2017 - In Jonathan D. Jacobs (ed.), Causal Powers. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    An adequate solution to the problem of mental causation should deliver, not just the efficacy of mental properties, but the efficacy of mental properties as such, of mentality in its own right. But this appears to block an identity solution from the outset. Any property that’s both mental and physical, the argument goes, has a dual nature, and this just reintroduces the problem of mental causation, now framed in terms of these two natures. But a powers ontology promises to save (...)
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  5. The properties of mental causation.David Robb - 1997 - Philosophical Quarterly 47 (187):178-94.
    Recent discussions of mental causation have focused on three principles: (1) Mental properties are (sometimes) causally relevant to physical effects; (2) mental properties are not physical properties; (3) every physical event has in its causal history only physical events and physical properties. Since these principles seem to be inconsistent, solutions have focused on rejecting one or more of them. But I argue that, in spite of appearances, (1)–(3) are not inconsistent. The reason is that 'properties' is used in different senses (...)
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  6. The Idea of Democracy.David Copp, Jean Hampton & John E. Roemer - 1995 - Ethics 105 (2):425-426.
    In the wake of the recent expansion of democratic forms of government around the world, political theorists have begun to rethink the nature and justification of this form of government. The essays in this book address a variety of foundational questions about democracy: How effective is it? How stable can it be in a pluralist society? Does it deserve its current popularity? Can it successfully guide a socialist society?
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    Art in the Western World.David M. Robb & J. J. Garrison - 1942 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 2 (7):69-70.
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  8. Rescuing Frankfurt-Style Cases.Alfred R. Mele and David Robb - 1998 - Philosophical Review 107 (1):97-112.
    Almost thirty years ago, in an attempt to undermine what he termed “the principle of alternate possibilities”.
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  9. (1 other version)Mental Causation.David Robb & John Heil - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Worries about mental causation are prominent in contemporary discussions of the mind and human agency. Originally, the problem of mental causation was that of understanding how a mental substance (thought to be immaterial) could interact with a material substance, a body. Most philosophers nowadays repudiate immaterial minds, but the problem of mental causation has not gone away. Instead, focus has shifted to mental properties. How could mental properties be causally relevant to bodily behavior? How could something mental qua mental cause (...)
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  10. Could Mental Causation Be Invisible?David Robb - 2018 - In Alexander Carruth, Sophie C. Gibb & John Heil (eds.), Ontology, Modality, and Mind: Themes From the Metaphysics of E. J. Lowe. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    E.J. Lowe has recently proposed a model of mental causation on which mental events are emergent, thus exerting a novel, downward causal influence on physical events. Yet on Lowe's model, mental causation is at the same time empirically undetectable, and in this sense is "invisible". Lowe's model is ingenious, but I don't think emergentists should welcome it, for it seems to me that a primary virtue of emergentism is its bold empirical prediction about the long-term results of human physiology. Here (...)
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  11. Is Causal Necessity Part of the Mind-Independent World?David Robb - 1999 - Philosophical Topics 26 (1-2):305-320.
  12. Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, Vol. 1.David Robb - 2003 - Nature Publishing Group.
  13.  50
    Bbs, Magnets and Seesaws: The Metaphysics of Frankfurt-style Cases.Alfred R. Mele & David Robb - 2003 - In Michael S. McKenna & David Widerker (eds.), Moral Responsibility and Alternative Possibilities: Essays on the Importance of Alternative Possibilities. Ashgate. pp. 107--126.
    In this paper Mele and Robb defend their (1998) paper against a variety of objections and further their develop their defense of Frankfurt-style cases.
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    The Idea of Democracy.David Copp, Jean Hampton & John E. Roemer (eds.) - 1993 - Cambridge University Press.
    In the wake of the recent expansion of democratic forms of government around the world, political theorists have begun to rethink the nature and justification of this form of government. The essays in this book address a variety of foundational questions about democracy: How effective is it? How stable can it be in a pluralist society? Does it deserve its current popularity? Can it successfully guide a socialist society?
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  15. Mental Causation and Intelligibility.David Robb - 2015 - Humana Mente 8 (29).
    I look at some central positions in the mental causation debate – reductionism, emergentism, and nonreductive physicalism – on the hypothesis that mental causation is intelligible. On this hypothesis, mental causes and their effects are internally related so that they intelligibly “fit”, analogous to the way puzzle pieces interlock, or shades of red fall into order within a color sphere. The assumption of intelligibility has what I take to be a welcome consequence: deciding among rivals in the mental causation debate (...)
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  16. Reply to Noordhof on mental causation.David Robb - 2001 - Philosophical Quarterly 51 (202):90-94.
  17. Substance.David Robb - 2009 - In Robin Le Poidevin, Simons Peter, McGonigal Andrew & Ross P. Cameron (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Metaphysics. New York: Routledge.
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  18. Mental properties.John Heil & David Robb - 2003 - American Philosophical Quarterly 40 (3):175-196.
    It is becoming increasingly clear that the deepest problems currently exercising philosophers of mind arise from an ill-begotten ontology, in particular, a mistaken ontology of properties. After going through some preliminaries, we identify three doctrines at the heart of this mistaken ontology: (P) For each distinct predicate, “F”, there exists one, and only one, property, F, such that, if “F” is applicable to an object a, then “F” is applicable in virtue of a’s being F. (U) Properties are universals, not (...)
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  19. Zombies from Below.David Robb - 2008 - In Simone Gozzano Francesco Orilia (ed.), Tropes, Universals and the Philosophy of Mind: Essays at the Boundary of Ontology and Philosophical Psychology. Ontos Verlag.
    A zombie is a creature just like a conscious being in certain respects, but wholly lacking in consciousness. In this paper, I look at zombies from the perspective of basic ontology (“from below”), taking as my starting point a trope ontology I have defended elsewhere. The consequences of this ontology for zombies are mixed. Viewed from below, one sort of zombie—the exact dispositional zombie—is impossible. A similar argument can be wielded against another sort—the exact physical zombie—but here supplementary principles are (...)
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  20. Dualism.David Robb - 2003 - In Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, Vol. 1. Nature Publishing Group.
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    George MacDonald and the Sacramental Imagination.David Robb - 2001 - The Chesterton Review 27 (1/2).
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  22. Rescuing Frankfurt-style cases.Alfred R. Mele & David Robb - 1998 - Philosophical Review 107 (1):97-112.
    Almost thirty years ago, in an attempt to undermine what he termed "the principle of alternate possibilities" (the thesis that people are morally responsible for what they have done only if they could have done otherwise), Harry Frankfurt offered an ingenious thought-experiment that has played a major role in subsequent work on moral responsibility and free will. Several philosophers, including David Widerker and Robert Kane, argued recently that this thought-experiment and others like it are fundamentally flawed. This paper develops (...)
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  23. Mental causation and higher-order properties.David Robb - 2023 - In A. R. J. Fisher & Anna-Sofia Maurin (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Properties. London: Routledge.
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  24. Power Essentialism.David Robb - 2007 - Philosophical Topics 35 (1-2):343-58.
    Press a square paperweight into a lump of soft clay. What results is a square impression. Could a circular impression have resulted instead? The answer seems to be No. In this paper, I take this and similar examples as evidence for power essentialism, the thesis that the powers bestowed by a property are essential to it. I spend most of the paper trying to answer a few arguments against the evidential value of such examples: (1) there is the appearance of (...)
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    Imaginative but Intimately True.David Robb - 2001 - The Chesterton Review 27 (1-2):67-83.
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    Properties.David Robb - 2017 - Routledge.
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  27. (1 other version)The Identity Theory as a Solution to the Exclusion Problem.David Robb - 2013 - In Sophie Gibb, E. J. Lowe & Rögnvaldur Ingthorsson (eds.), Mental Causation and Ontology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 215.
    This is about a proposed solution to the exclusion problem, one I've defended elsewhere. Details aside, it's just the identity theory : mental properties face no threat of exclusion from, or preemption by, physical properties, because every mental property is a physical property. Here I elaborate on this solution and defend it from some objections. One of my goals is to place it in the context of a more general ontology of properties, in particular, a trope ontology.
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  28. Review of Jens Harbecke, Mental Causation: Investigating the Mind's Powers in a Natural World[REVIEW]David Robb - 2008 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2008 (9).
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    Active Music Engagement and Cortisol as an Acute Stress Biomarker in Young Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Patients and Caregivers: Results of a Single Case Design Pilot Study.Steven J. Holochwost, Sheri L. Robb, Amanda K. Henley, Kristin Stegenga, Susan M. Perkins, Kristen A. Russ, Seethal A. Jacob, David Delgado, Joan E. Haase & Caitlin M. Krater - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  30. Review of G. W. Fitch, Saul Kripke and Christopher Hughes, Kripke. [REVIEW]David Robb - 2006 - Philosophical Books 47:165-8.
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    Review: Recent Work in the Philosophy of Mind. [REVIEW]David Robb - 1998 - Philosophical Quarterly 48 (193):527 - 539.
    This is a critical review of six books: Peter Carruthers, _Language, Thought, and Consciousness; David Chalmers, _The Conscious Mind; Fred Dretske, _Naturalizing the Mind; Steven Horst, _Symbols, Computation and Intentionality; Jaegwon Kim, _Philosophy of Mind; and Michael Tye, _Ten Problems of Consciousness. The review focuses on what these authors have to say about consciousness.
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  32. Philosophy of Mind: Contemporary Readings.Timothy O'Connor & David Robb (eds.) - 2003 - New York: Routledge.
    _Philosophy of Mind: Contemporary Readings_ is a comprehensive anthology that draws together leading philosophers writing on the major topics within philosophy of mind. Robb and O'Connor have carefully chosen articles under the following headings: *Substance Dualism and Idealism *Materialism *Mind and Representation *Consciousness Each section is prefaced by an introductory essay by the editors which guides the student gently into the topic in which leading philosophers are included. The book is highly accessible and user-friendly and provides a broad-ranging exploration (...)
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    Delegation as a Source of Law.Dale Dewhurst, David Hampton & Roger A. Shiner - 2003 - Ratio Juris 16 (1):56-88.
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    The Churchlands and Their Critics Robert N. McCauley, editor Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, 1996. [REVIEW]David Robb - 1999 - Dialogue 38 (1):165-8.
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    Causation and Persistence. [REVIEW]David Robb - 2003 - Philosophical Review 112 (3):419-422.
    This book ranks with the best of contemporary work on the metaphysics of causation, both because of its thorough and unified treatment of the literature and because its author faces head-on the most difficult foundational questions about causality: How, at the most basic level, do causes bring about their effects? What are the mechanisms operating in the world to bind its parts together? Ehring’s answers to these questions are clear, original, and supported by sophisticated arguments. The book is a fine (...)
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  36. The Curious Case of the Refrigerator–TV: Similarity and Hybridization.Michael Gibbert, James A. Hampton, Zachary Estes & David Mazursky - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (6):992-1018.
    This article examines the role of similarity in the hybridization of concepts, focusing on hybrid products as an applied test case. Hybrid concepts found in natural language, such as singer songwriter, typically combine similar concepts, whereas dissimilar concepts rarely form hybrids. The hybridization of dissimilar concepts in products such as jogging shoe mp3 player and refrigerator TV thus poses a challenge for understanding the process of conceptual combination. It is proposed that models of conceptual combination can throw light on the (...)
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    History of Classic Painting and History of Modern PaintingHistory of Painting: The Occidental Tradition.William Sener Rusk, Germain Bazin & David M. Robb - 1952 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 11 (1):83.
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  38. The Failure of Expected-Utility Theory as a Theory of Reason.Jean Hampton - 1994 - Economics and Philosophy 10 (2):195.
    Expected-utility theory has been a popular and influential theory in philosophy, law, and the social sciences. While its original developers, von Neumann and Morgenstern, presented it as a purely predictive theory useful to the practitioners of economic science, many subsequent theorists, particularly those outside of economics, have come to endorse EU theory as providing us with a representation of reason. But precisely in what sense does EU theory portray reason? And does it do so successfully? There are two strikingly different (...)
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  39. David van Bourgondië en het Speculum humanae salvationis. Een nieuw perspectief op de invoering van de boekdrukkunst in de Noordelijke Nederlanden.Joost Roger Robbe - 2007 - Millennium 21 (1):39-57.
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    Aesthetics, Nature and Religion: Ronald W. Hepburn and his Legacy, ed. Endre Szécsényi.Endre Szécsényi, Peter Cheyne, Cairns Craig, David E. Cooper, Emily Brady, Douglas Hedley, Mary Warnock, Guy Bennett-Hunter, Michael McGhee, James Kirwan, Isis Brook, Fran Speed, Yuriko Saito, James MacAllister, Arto Haapala, Alexander J. B. Hampton, Pauline von Bonsdorff, Sigurjón Baldur Hafsteinsson & Arnar Árnason - 2020 - Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press.
    On 18–19 May 2018, a symposium was held in the Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies at the University of Aberdeen to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the death of Ronald W. Hepburn (1927–2008). The speakers at this event discussed Hepburn’s oeuvre from several perspectives. For this book, the collection of the revised versions of their talks has been supplemented by the papers of other scholars who were unable to attend the symposium itself. Thus this volume contains contributions from (...)
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    “I am in favour of organ donation, but I feel you should opt-in”—qualitative analysis of the #options 2020 survey free-text responses from NHS staff toward opt-out organ donation legislation in England.Natalie L. Clark, Dorothy Coe, Natasha Newell, Mark N. A. Jones, Matthew Robb, David Reaich & Caroline Wroe - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-10.
    Background In May 2020, England moved to an opt-out organ donation system, meaning adults are presumed to be an organ donor unless within an excluded group or have opted-out. This change aims to improve organ donation rates following brain or circulatory death. Healthcare staff in the UK are supportive of organ donation, however, both healthcare staff and the public have raised concerns and ethical issues regarding the change. The #options survey was completed by NHS organisations with the aim of understanding (...)
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  42. Does Hume Have an Instrumental Conception of Practical Reason?Jean Hampton - 1995 - Hume Studies 21 (1):57-74.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume Studies Volume XXI, Number 1, April 1995, pp. 57-74 Does Hume Have an Instrumental Conception of Practical Reason? JEAN HAMPTON Many philosophers and social scientists regard the instrumental theory of practical reason as highly plausible, and standardly credit David Hume as the first philosopher to formulate this conception of reason clearly. Yet I will argue in this paper that Hume does not advocate the instrumental conception (...)
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  43. On Mele and Robb’s Indeterministic Frankfurt-Style Case.Carl Ginet & David Palmer - 2010 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 80 (2):440-446.
    Alfred Mele and David Robb (1998, 2003) offer what they claim is a counter-example to the principle of alternative possibilities (PAP), the principle that a person is morally responsible for what he has done only if he could have done otherwise. In their example, a person makes a decision by his own indeterministic causal process though antecedent circumstances ensure he could not have done otherwise. Specifically, a simultaneously occurring process in him would deterministically cause the decision at the (...)
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    The Social Contract Theorists: Critical Essays on Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau.John Charvet, Joshua Cohen, David Gauthier, M. M. Goldsmith, Jean Hampton, Gregory S. Kavka, Patrick Riley, Arthur Ripstein & A. John Simmons (eds.) - 1998 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This rich collection will introduce students of philosophy and politics to the contemporary critical literature on the classical social contract political thinkers Thomas Hobbes , John Locke , and Jean-Jacques Rousseau . A dozen essays and book excerpts have been selected to guide students through the texts and to introduce them to current scholarly controversies surrounding the contractarian political theories of these three thinkers.
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    Review of Cynthia Hampton, Pleasure, Knowledge, and Being: An Analysis of Plato's "Philebus". [REVIEW]David Roochnik - 1992 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 30 (1):132-134.
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    The mint julep consensus: An analysis of late 19th century Southern and Northern textbooks and their Impact on the history curriculum.Chara Haeussler Bohan, Lauren Yarnell Bradshaw & Wade Hampton Morris - 2020 - Journal of Social Studies Research 44 (1):139-149.
    In the decades after the Civil War, Southerners wrote and published their own history textbooks for secondary schools. These “mint julep textbooks,” as the Southern all-white editions were called by the 1960s, reinforced a Lost Cause narrative of the war for Southern audiences while competing with Northern versions of events. In this study, we employ both historical narrative and content analysis of six textbooks’ portrayals of John Brown, John Wilkes Booth, and Nathan Bedford Forrest. The textbooks that are compared– three (...)
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    Moral Artifice.David Gauthier - 1988 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 18 (2):385 - 418.
    Towards the ends of their reviews, Annette Baier and Jean Hampton allow, if only momentarily, the real spectres to surface. Baier writes, ‘Gauthier rightly sees the dangers of exploitation and subjection inherent in a kin-based and affection-dependent morality, so purports to try for something totally different. Even if our moral natures cannot recognize themselves in Gauthier’s version of them, the problem that drives the attempt [for an individualist and unsentimental morality] is a real one, and so far, I think, (...)
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  48. Some thoughts about retributivism.David Dolinko - 1991 - Ethics 101 (3):537-559.
    Retributive accounts of the justification of criminal punishment are increasingly fashionable, yet their proponents frequently rely more on suggestive metaphor than on reasoned explanation. This article seeks to question whether any such coherent explanations are possible. I briefly sketch some general doubts about the validity of retributivist views and then critique three recent efforts (by George Sher, Jean Hampton, and Michael Moore) to put retributivism on a sound basis.
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  49. The papers in this volume are a selection of the papers presented at the American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Meeting of 1994. The papers were selected by the 1993-1994 Pacific Division Program Committee, whose members include: Jean Hampton (Chair). [REVIEW]Harriet Baber, David Copp, David Depew, John Dupr, Reinaldo Elugardo, John Martin Fischer, Don Garrett, Richard Healey, Bernard W. Kobes & Bruce Landesman - unknown - Philosophical Studies 77 (193):t995.
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    The Natural Meaning of Crime and Punishment: Denying and Affirming Freedom.David Chelsom Vogt - 2023 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 17 (2):339-358.
    The article discusses the link between freedom, crime and punishment. According to some theorists, crime does not only cause a person to have less freedom; it constitutes, _in and of itself_, a breach of the freedom of others. Punishment does not only cause people to have more freedom, for instance by preventing crimes; it constitutes, _in and of itself_, respect for mutual freedom. If the latter claims are true, crime and punishment must have certain _meanings_ that make them denials/affirmations of (...)
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